The goal of the United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is to unite White Christians through the bond of brotherhood and make them aware of the problems facing our countries. We educate them on how and when to take action (in a non violent way).

The United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is a patriotic, fraternal, law abiding organization. We are working to uphold the Christian values these countries was founded on. We protect these values from those who seek to remove them from our society. Our ideology is simple, self preservation and the advancement of the White Christian Nations. We hope that you will take time to read through the wealth of information on this blog and take time to decide if membership is right for you. In the event membership is not right for you, we can use your assistance in a variety of support programs.

We are an active organization striving to protect and preserve White Christian heritage and culture long into the future. If you want to play an active part in the preservation of the White race you may submit an application.

The European Division of the UNSKKKK accepts white christians of any denomination from every european nations.

16 August 2008

The 7 Symbols of the Klan


This BOOK DIVINE signifies that there is a GOD. No sane man of reasonable Intelligence can look upon the sacred volume without thinking of GOD as its author, Righteousness as its aim, and eternal life as its end. It is a constant reminder that GOD is OUR FATHER. LIFE is our opportunity, and HEAVEN is our HOME. It reveals the way of life, the cause of death. It is a LAMP unto our feet, a light unto our pathway and the only sure guide to right living. It is the book of books and reveals the only TRUE GOD.

In a Klavern you will always find the wonderful book opened at the twelfth chapter of Romans. This is the most practical and the most complete chapter in the whole Bible on the CHRISTIAN living. It is a constant reminder of the tents of the CHRISTIAN FAITH, and is a KLANSMAN'S LAW OF LIFE. Every Klansman should read it the first thing every morning and endeavor to live by it during the day.' I BESEECH YOU THEREFORE BRETHREN BY THE MERCIES OF GOD,' that you follow its teachings.


The most wonderful story of the sacred pages of this old BOOK DIVINE is the sad, sweet story of CALVARY'S rugged but HOLY CROSS. This old cross is a SYMBOL of FAITH. Sanctified and made holy twenty centuries ago by the suffering and blood of fifty million martyrs who died in the most holy faith, it stands as a constant reminder that CHRIST is our criterion of character, and His teachings our rule of life-blood-bought, holy sanctified and sublime.

It was once a sign of ignominy, disgrace and shame, but being bathed in the blood of the lowly Nazarene, it has been transformed into a symbol of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. It inspired the Crusaders of the Middle Ages in their perilous efforts to rescue the Holy Land from the Heathen Turks; and is today being used to rally the forces of Christianity against the ever increasing hoards of anti-Christ, and the enemies of the principles of pure Americanism.

We illuminate the cross as symbol for Jesus Christ, the light of the world and as characters of the faith, hope and love. The illuminated cross displaces the darkness and affirms us in the will and the resolution better humans to be.


This old flag, purchased by the blood and suffering of AMERICAN HEROES, represents the price paid for American liberties. It is the symbol of the constitution of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, free speech, free press, free schools, freedom of worship and all CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS, BOTH STATE AND NATIONAL.

Its RED is the BLOOD of American heroes that stained a hundred battlefields. Its WHITE symbolizes the PURITY of AMERICAN WOMANHOOD and the SANCTITY of AMERICAN HOMES. Its BLUE is but a patch of the America's unclouded sky, snatched from the diamond-studded canopy that bends over our native land. Its STARS represent an aggregation of UNDEFEATED STATES bound together in an inseparable union.

'Its red is the red of the sunsets evening glow. Its white is the white of the winter's driven snow: Its blue is the blue of the ocean, sea, and sky. Its stars the states of a union THAT MUST NOT DIE.'

It has never been trailed in the dust, trampled in the mud, or defeated in battle. It has never led a retreat or been hauled down at the command of an enemy. It is the greatest and most glorious flag that ever floated in a breeze or waved over land or sea. It was purchased by the sacrifice and blood of our fathers, and we have most SACREDLY VOWED that we will uphold and DEFEND it with our sacred honor, our property, our blood and our lives. May we ever be true to our vow.

Who can stand under these Stars and Stripes, remaining the sacred traditions that entwine about its holy past, without feeling that sublime patriotism that inspired our noble sires to die for OUR OWN. OUR NATIVE LAND?


This unsheathed sword of steel Is a symbol of law enforcement. It represents the military, or enforcement powers of our government, from the president down to the constable. Its presence on our altar signifies that we as an organization, are solidly behind every enforcement officer in the land to help, aid and assist in the PROPER PERFORMANCE of their LEGAL duties. We stand unconditionally and unqualifiedly for the just and impartial enforcement of law, and for the defense and protection of all rights and privileges of all citizens alike.

This sword also signifies that we are set for the defense of our Flag and all that it symbolizes against the attack and invasion of every foreign power government sect ruler or people in the whole world. We believe in AMERICA FOR AMERICANS, and are sworn to defend it by all justifiable means and methods, from any encroachment whatever from any source whatever whether it be traitors within or enemies without. This sword is a constant reminder of our obligation to defend our country and enforce its laws, through DULY CONSTITUTED authorities and justifiable means and methods. May we wield it wisely and well in defense of our COUNTRY OUR HOMES OUR FLAG OUR LIBERTIES and HUMANITY.


This God-given, powerful, life-giving fluid, more precious and far more significant than all sacred oils of ancients, is a symbol of the purity of life and the unity of purpose. With this divinely distilled fluid we have been dedicated and set apart, in body, in mind, in spirit and in life, to the sacred, sublime and holy principles of Klankraft,. In this dedicatory service, we are solemnly admonished to keep our character as transparent and as clear and clean as the liquid in this glass. A drop of ink or blood in this crystal fluid will have the same effect as sin in our lives. May we keep our record clear and transparent free from the sin stains of evil and wrong doing.

As water is useful to human life, so may we as Klansmen, be useful to humanity. As drops of water mingle and intermingle, thus becoming one solid mass, may we, as Klansmen become so united, each with the other that we will become one solid mass, or one body in Klankraft. This we see the water is a symbol of unity, usefulness and purity. Who can fail to learn from these drops water, the lesson of real Klannishness, and of brotherhood is a common service to mankind?


The distinguishing marks of a Klansman are not found in the fiber of his garment or in his social, political financial standing; but they are spiritual, wisdom, a chivalric head, a compassionate heart, a prudent tongue and a courageous will: all devoted and consecrated to our country , our homes, our Klan and each other.
We use the robe to signify that we do not judge men by the clothes they wear, and to conceal the difference in our clothing as well as our personality. There are no rich or poor, high or low, in Klan Kraft. As we look upon a body of Klansmen robed in white we are forcibly reminded that they are on a common level. By this an essential principle of Klan Kraft.

This white robe is also a symbol of the robe of righteousness to be worn by the saints in the land of YET-TO-COME. The age apostle, a prisoner on the Island of Patmos, peered into the portals of the Great Beyond, and caught a glimpse of that saint robed in white which was the righteousness of Christ. Taking Christ as our criterion of character, and endeavoring to follow His teachings, Klansmen wear this white robe to signify that they desire to put on that white robe which is the righteousness of Christ, in that Empire Invisible, that lies out beyond the vale of death where there will be no more parting and no more tears.

A lying scoundrel may wrap his disgraceful frame in the sacred folds of a Klansman's robe and deceive the very elect, but ONLY A KLANSMAN POSSESSES A KLANSMAN'S HEART and a KLANSMAN'S SOUL. Therefore, as we seek to be a Klansman, may we through the grace of God and by following HIS CHRIST, be able to hide the scars and stains of sin with the righteousness of CHRIST when we stand before HIS GREAT WHITE THRONE.


That hated hood, the terror of every evil force in the land, how they cry "take off the hood." But they don't know what they say. They do not understand why we wear it or what it means. "If they only knew."

In the first place, it helps to conceal our membership. The secret of our power lies in the secrecy of our membership. We are a great secret organization to aid the officers of the law and we can do our best when we are not known to the public. By this means we see and hear everything. We know the evil forces but they do not know us. By our secret membership we gather a world of evidence and help to gather thousands into the meshes of the law that would otherwise escape.
It is also a symbol of UNSELFISHNESS. With the hood we hide our individuality and sink ourselves into the sea of Klan Kraft. Not as individuals, but as Klansmen. "WE SACRIFICE TO SERVE." Our motto is - NON SILBA SED ANTHAR - Not for Self but for others." Therefore we hide self behind the hood that we may be unselfish in our service.

Who can look upon a multitude of white-robed Klansmen without thinking of the equality and unselfishness of that throne of white-robed saints in the GLORY LAND? May the God of Heaven, who looks not upon the outward appearance, but upon he heart, find every Klansman worthy of the robe and hood he wears. Then we "DO THE THINGS WE TEACH" and "LIVE THE LIVES WE PREACH," the title of Klansman will be the most honorable title among men.

Falsche Propheten

In diesem Jahr mussten wir immer wieder den Namen „Ku Klux Klan“ in Medienberichten hören und lesen in Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund“. Urplötzlich schien man es allerdings für das Beste zu halten, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass hier ganz andere Mächte am Werk waren –nämlich staatliche-, mit doch eher kleineren Schritten voran zu trippeln. Hat man nämlich, wie anfänglich grundsätzlich üblich, die Angewohnheit, sämtliche Organisationen, die das System als „rechts“ einzustufen vermag, natürlich auch namentlich zu erwähnen, damit der deutsche Michel die Namen der „Delinquenten“ auch ja nicht vergessen möge, so scheint man jetzt zu realisieren, dass eine weitere Berichterstattung durchaus einen Schnitt ins eigene Fleisch darstellen könnte – ähnlich der Veröffentlichung der „Hitler-Tagebücher“ durch das Wochenmagazin „stern“.

So wie durch Gehirnwäsche mithilfe der linken Medien der Ku Klux Klan seinen täglichen Einzug in bundesdeutsche Schlagzeilen schaffte, so haben selbstverständlich auch unsere Brüder und Schwestern in den USA jeden Tag damit zu kämpfen, den Verunglimpfungen Einhalt zu gebieten und die wahren Werte des Ku Klux Klan zu vertreten, zu proklamieren, …zu leben. In Zeiten, in denen es einem Präsidenten Obama möglich ist, die Freiheit der US-Amerikaner immer weiter einzudämmen und dem „land of the free“ all seiner christlichen Wurzeln berauben wollen zu können und zu dürfen, ist es für einen Klansman nicht einfach, Gott zu dienen, aber WICHTIGER UND NOTWENDIGER DENN JE!! Leider versuchen Menschen auf Gedeih und Verderb, den Namen „Ku Klux Klan“ in ein schlechtes Licht zu rücken. Diese Menschen kennen den Ku Klux Klan nicht und haben nicht einmal den blassesten Schimmer, was der Ku Klux Klan tatsächlich ist.

Auf der anderen Seite gibt es viele Menschen, die den Namen kennen und das gutheißen, was man fälschlicherweise(!) mit ihm in Verbindung bringt. Und manchmal sind diese Menschen der Ansicht, sie gründeten einen eigenen „Klan“ und führten ihn als jemand, der imstande sei, einer solchen Aufgabe gewachsen zu sein.Tatsächlich haben wir in Deutschland, wie auch in den USA einige solcher Gruppierungen, die ihre eigene Weltanschauung, ihre Wertevorstellung mit dem, was sie aus dem Fernsehen über den Klan kennen, vermischen, um letztlich etwas zu bekommen, das zwar mit „Klan“ beschriftet ist, in dem allerdings nicht annähernd Klan enthalten ist. Man weiß aber eben trotzdem nichts über Traditionen des altehrwürdigen Ku Klux Klan, noch weniger über seine Rituale und Zeremonien – nichts über wahre Klanishness!

Wir distanzieren uns von all diesen Gruppierungen – in Deutschland und in aller Herren Länder!

Die United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan sind eine weltumspannende Gemeinschaft, die traditionsbewusst denkt und handelt und deren Führung ausschließlich in den USA beheimatet ist und sein kann. Ein europäischer, ein deutscher Klan kann niemals autark sein. Er kann nur Teil eines großen Ganzen sein. Und wir – die Europäische Division der UNSK – sind sehr stolz und dankbar, DASS wir ein Teil eben dieser großen und traditionsbewussten Gemeinschaft sein dürfen.

Für Gott und Familie. Für Rasse und Nation.

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