The goal of the United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is to unite White Christians through the bond of brotherhood and make them aware of the problems facing our countries. We educate them on how and when to take action (in a non violent way).
The United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is a patriotic, fraternal, law abiding organization. We are working to uphold the Christian values these countries was founded on. We protect these values from those who seek to remove them from our society. Our ideology is simple, self preservation and the advancement of the White Christian Nations. We hope that you will take time to read through the wealth of information on this blog and take time to decide if membership is right for you. In the event membership is not right for you, we can use your assistance in a variety of support programs.
We are an active organization striving to protect and preserve White Christian heritage and culture long into the future. If you want to play an active part in the preservation of the White race you may submit an application.
The European Division of the UNSKKKK accepts white christians of any denomination from every european nations.

30 October 2010
What is faith?
It is no secret that faith is one of the fundamental Christian virtues. We talk about faith in God, faith in each other, or faith in this or that, etc. We use the word quite a bit, but what IS faith exactly? God made all things, including faith! ( Proverbs 16;4, John 1:3) He also commands us to have it! He condemns people who don't! Do I even NEED scripture for that statement? How many of us think we're going to make it to Heaven without faith? "Lord, I know I really didn't believe in you, or what you said, but I appreciate you saving me anyway!" Hmmm.....Ain't gonna happen folks!!
Let's start at the beginning and see what faith is and WHY exactly, we need it.
Hebrews 11:1- " Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen."
So, if we have never seen how God made the Earth, the stars, etc., but we KNOW He did, that's faith, because we didn't SEE it happen, but we are convinced ( the conviction of things not seen), that He did! We KNOW He will come again one day, to reward us, for our service to Him, because we have the ASSURANCE ( promise) of things hoped for ( the promise of things hoped for, like, Heaven, glory and power to rule with Him on High, etc. ). If we have an assurance, we have a promise. "I assure ( promise) you, that if we keep going the way we are, we're headed for destruction!" See? Faith is the key to it all! That's why Satan doesn't want you to have any! If we have faith, the RIGHT faith, we will please Him and obey Him, and Satan loses! Am I trying to say that you ( yes even you, or me!), can't be pleasing to God without faith ( which leads to obedience) ? YES!! YOU HAVE TO BE FAITHFUL TO HIM AND HIS WILL, OR YOU WILL NOT PLEASE HIM NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO! Need proof? Try this one on:
Hebrews 11:6- " But without faith IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM ( emphasis added): for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and He is a rewarder of them that diligently ( constantly...kludd note) seek Him." This means those who constantly set their minds on doing His will and pleasing Him.
So, even if you give money to help people, visit the sick, do this and do that, you still don't please Him, Unless you have faith in Him! Let's look at some of the things being said by people, and how they sabotage other people's faith, as well as their own faith. Remember, faith has to do with believing, and ACTING on that belief. If you believe in God, and you don't worship Him, but do things you shouldn't, avoid things you should do, etc., then you may "Believe" in Him, but you don't have FAITH in Him!
Faith is the ACTIVE part of belief. Many people never set foot inside a church building to worship God, but ask them if they believe in God, and they say, " Oh, sure, I believe in God." Do they REALLY?? They don't believe TOO much! If they did, they would ACT it! Acting on your belief, is faith! If you "faith" it, you will believe to the point of getting up and going to church, making the sacrifices of time, effort, money, etc., to please Him and do what He wants, and NOT do what He doesn't want!
" Well, I just don't see, how the Klan is going to do anything to help the situation, I mean they're so small, and most people don't go for that kind of stuff, and well...you know..." Ever hear something like that? Ever THINK something like that? Let's examine the statement: " I just don't see...", well, by the Bible's definition of faith, if you could SEE it, it wouldn't be faith, now would it? "
They're so small..." " Most people ...". You DO see that our Order ( although one of, if not THE biggest of its kind), is still small, and you DO see that most people disagree with what they THINK we're all about, etc. This is another one of the Devil's schemes. THE MAIN INGREDIENT IN FAITH, IS NO SIGHT! So, how does Satan keep us from having faith? He gives us sight! SATAN TAKES AWAY OUR FAITH BY GIVING US SIGHT!! SIGHT DESTROYS FAITH!! e.g. " You see what their doing now, don't you?", " I can see where this is headed !" People want to see! So, Satan, helps them out! He gives them sight! It's a lot better than not seeing! ( Or so the world thinks!) " I just don't see why they don't..." " I just don't see how we're gonna make it." ( ever catch yourself saying this one?) These are not comfortable things to say or feel, so Satan helps us to see, that way we " Know" how things are going to come out, whether we like it or not! You see? If he gives you your sight, it makes you temporarily comfortable, because no one wants to be blind and groping around, looking for help. THEN, however, after you see what's going on ( or think you do), he steals your sight away from you again, by making you blind, " I just don't see..." Remember what the Bible says it takes to please God? FAITH! not just belief only, but FAITH! Satan gives you your sight when he wants you to see the things that help his cause, and then he takes it away, when he doesn't want you comfortable with the situation. If you don't hold tight to God and His Son, then he ( Satan) will have control over WHEN you see, and WHAT you see. You see?
II Corinthians 5:7- " We walk by faith not by sight."
I John 5:4- " For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: AND THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMETH THE WORLD EVEN OUR FAITH." ( emphasis added)
Don't let Satan use you like that! You will be the one that pays the ultimate price for allowing him to! Just remember, Brethren, If you can see it, it's not faith! WE NEED FAITH TO PLEASE GOD, SAVE OUR SOULS, AND SAVE OUR COUNTRY FROM WHAT'S COMING!! ( not to mention, we need it to keep the Order strong!) I'm going to close by leaving you with something in scripture, that made one man famous for all time! A lack of faith! Remember Doubting Thomas? Remember what he's famous for? ( He doubted that Christ arose from the dead, and he was one of the twelve Apostles!) Name anything else he's famous for....you can't! After he SAW Christ, he believed! ( John 20:24-29)
V. 29- " Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: BLESSED ARE THEY THAT HAVE NOT SEEN, AND YET HAVE BELIEVED." ( emphasis added)
The lesson is now yours, God Bless!

Falsche Propheten
In diesem Jahr mussten wir immer wieder den Namen „Ku Klux Klan“ in Medienberichten hören und lesen in Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund“. Urplötzlich schien man es allerdings für das Beste zu halten, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass hier ganz andere Mächte am Werk waren –nämlich staatliche-, mit doch eher kleineren Schritten voran zu trippeln. Hat man nämlich, wie anfänglich grundsätzlich üblich, die Angewohnheit, sämtliche Organisationen, die das System als „rechts“ einzustufen vermag, natürlich auch namentlich zu erwähnen, damit der deutsche Michel die Namen der „Delinquenten“ auch ja nicht vergessen möge, so scheint man jetzt zu realisieren, dass eine weitere Berichterstattung durchaus einen Schnitt ins eigene Fleisch darstellen könnte – ähnlich der Veröffentlichung der „Hitler-Tagebücher“ durch das Wochenmagazin „stern“.
So wie durch Gehirnwäsche mithilfe der linken Medien der Ku Klux Klan seinen täglichen Einzug in bundesdeutsche Schlagzeilen schaffte, so haben selbstverständlich auch unsere Brüder und Schwestern in den USA jeden Tag damit zu kämpfen, den Verunglimpfungen Einhalt zu gebieten und die wahren Werte des Ku Klux Klan zu vertreten, zu proklamieren, …zu leben. In Zeiten, in denen es einem Präsidenten Obama möglich ist, die Freiheit der US-Amerikaner immer weiter einzudämmen und dem „land of the free“ all seiner christlichen Wurzeln berauben wollen zu können und zu dürfen, ist es für einen Klansman nicht einfach, Gott zu dienen, aber WICHTIGER UND NOTWENDIGER DENN JE!! Leider versuchen Menschen auf Gedeih und Verderb, den Namen „Ku Klux Klan“ in ein schlechtes Licht zu rücken. Diese Menschen kennen den Ku Klux Klan nicht und haben nicht einmal den blassesten Schimmer, was der Ku Klux Klan tatsächlich ist.
Auf der anderen Seite gibt es viele Menschen, die den Namen kennen und das gutheißen, was man fälschlicherweise(!) mit ihm in Verbindung bringt. Und manchmal sind diese Menschen der Ansicht, sie gründeten einen eigenen „Klan“ und führten ihn als jemand, der imstande sei, einer solchen Aufgabe gewachsen zu sein.Tatsächlich haben wir in Deutschland, wie auch in den USA einige solcher Gruppierungen, die ihre eigene Weltanschauung, ihre Wertevorstellung mit dem, was sie aus dem Fernsehen über den Klan kennen, vermischen, um letztlich etwas zu bekommen, das zwar mit „Klan“ beschriftet ist, in dem allerdings nicht annähernd Klan enthalten ist. Man weiß aber eben trotzdem nichts über Traditionen des altehrwürdigen Ku Klux Klan, noch weniger über seine Rituale und Zeremonien – nichts über wahre Klanishness!
Wir distanzieren uns von all diesen Gruppierungen – in Deutschland und in aller Herren Länder!
Die United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan sind eine weltumspannende Gemeinschaft, die traditionsbewusst denkt und handelt und deren Führung ausschließlich in den USA beheimatet ist und sein kann. Ein europäischer, ein deutscher Klan kann niemals autark sein. Er kann nur Teil eines großen Ganzen sein. Und wir – die Europäische Division der UNSK – sind sehr stolz und dankbar, DASS wir ein Teil eben dieser großen und traditionsbewussten Gemeinschaft sein dürfen.
Für Gott und Familie. Für Rasse und Nation.