The goal of the United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is to unite White Christians through the bond of brotherhood and make them aware of the problems facing our countries. We educate them on how and when to take action (in a non violent way).
The United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is a patriotic, fraternal, law abiding organization. We are working to uphold the Christian values these countries was founded on. We protect these values from those who seek to remove them from our society. Our ideology is simple, self preservation and the advancement of the White Christian Nations. We hope that you will take time to read through the wealth of information on this blog and take time to decide if membership is right for you. In the event membership is not right for you, we can use your assistance in a variety of support programs.
We are an active organization striving to protect and preserve White Christian heritage and culture long into the future. If you want to play an active part in the preservation of the White race you may submit an application.
The European Division of the UNSKKKK accepts white christians of any denomination from every european nations.

04 December 2010
Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Shop til you drop. Free shipping. 20% off three days only, followed by 50% off today only, followed by save an incredible 70% off and free shipping two days only, and on and on. Forget about your family and Thanksgiving. Get ready to SHOP and SAVE BIG. All geared to get you to spend your hard earned dollars on a mass of Chinese junk, brought to you courtesy of Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target or any other bunch of corporate names. Got to get out and buy for the season. What season? Oh, yeah, Christmas. Then to add insult to injury, the atheists are putting up billboards claiming it is all a myth, including Jesus Christ. This surpasses disgusting. Let me tell you one thing. Jesus Christ is no myth by any stretch of the imagination.
Put the hype aside, forget about shopping and what you are going to get who, get your Bibles out and do a little reading. I'm here to tell you straight out that Jesus Christ is alive and still in control. He is shopping too. Shopping for your souls. He wants you to come to Him,not bearing gifts, but to come humbly and ask forgiveness for your sins and ask Him to be your Saviour. That's it, in a nutshell. Plain and simple. Let me go back in time a little. Many years back there was a great country song and the woman was talking about her little boy who came to her and gave her a bill. He had things added up like watching his younger sister while mom ran to the store, cutting the grass, getting a good report card, etc. Total owed, $14.75. His mom answered back with things like, for the days that I carried you, watched for you, cared for you, no charge, the nights I cried over you, walked the floor, talked to you, no charge. For the cost of your college, your braces, your sorrows, no charge, etc. The full cost of my love is no charge. She goes on to say, the little boy wiped the tears from his eyes, took back the note, and on the back scribbled a few words and handed it back to her, and it said, paid in full.
This is the kind of Saviour we have in Jesus Christ. At our worse he carried us, watched over us, cried for us. He was beaten and tormented for us, tortured and tested for us, killed, died and raised from the dead for us,and the full cost of His love is no charge. All He asks is that we accept Him for who He is, and give our lives to Him, no charge. He has paid our debt in full. Imagine, a God who loves us so much that he became human in the flesh, came to this earth as a lowly babe in manger, and went through all He did just so He could pay a debt for us that He didn't owe and we couldn't pay. A myth? No my friends, this is no myth. This is fact.
While he was in human form, He came to know our feelings, our desires, our wants, our needs and all the secrets we don't want anyone to know about us. He has lived in our shoes so to speak. He knows what makes us tick. He also was the most humble of beings. Power? Oh yes, He had power, and still does. He had the power to command legions of angels, to still the rough waters, to calm the turbulent winds, to heal the sick, and even raise the dead to name a few. His FOCUS was to do His fathers will. That will would cause even the hardest of us to tremble at the mere thought of it. To be beaten and tortured beyond belief, be nailed to a tree, and to die the most horrible of deaths. Yet he followed through with what it took. Now we come to the time of the year when we celebrate His glorious birth. God's precious gift to this sin stricken world, lost and given over to the sinful despicable life that Satan wants us to live. A precious babe. A lowly babe, laid in a manger.
A humble servant come to give all, for us. Let me make another thing perfectly clear. He IS coming again. Only thing is this time He is not coming as a humble servant but as who He is. A righteous Saviour come to rid the world of evil. This time, ALL of the armies of the world will align with the anti-Christ to fight Jesus Christ for the last battle. With all of their forces, and with all of their knowledge, weapons of destruction,millions of people, there will be one short period when Jesus speaks and He will destroy them all. That quickly. THAT is power people and all of the world will see it and every knee will bend, every head will bow, and every tongue will call Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords. A myth? Dream on. Put your shopping on the shelf and spend some time with Him. Get to know Him a little better. Ask Him what He wants you to do. Seek His council. After all, as a Christian you are going to spend eternity with Him, not in a shopping mall.
As for me? Yes. He is my Lord and Saviour. I have experienced His amazing grace and His healing touch first hand just as I know many of you have. I know His love and compassion, His endurance, His patience, and I know who He is. He is the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is all we will ever need. Can you find that in Wal-Mart? Celebrate the Christmas Season for what it really is. A celebration of the birth of our great Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. To each of you I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and to my Lord Jesus Christ I wish You yet another Happy Birthday!

Falsche Propheten
In diesem Jahr mussten wir immer wieder den Namen „Ku Klux Klan“ in Medienberichten hören und lesen in Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund“. Urplötzlich schien man es allerdings für das Beste zu halten, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass hier ganz andere Mächte am Werk waren –nämlich staatliche-, mit doch eher kleineren Schritten voran zu trippeln. Hat man nämlich, wie anfänglich grundsätzlich üblich, die Angewohnheit, sämtliche Organisationen, die das System als „rechts“ einzustufen vermag, natürlich auch namentlich zu erwähnen, damit der deutsche Michel die Namen der „Delinquenten“ auch ja nicht vergessen möge, so scheint man jetzt zu realisieren, dass eine weitere Berichterstattung durchaus einen Schnitt ins eigene Fleisch darstellen könnte – ähnlich der Veröffentlichung der „Hitler-Tagebücher“ durch das Wochenmagazin „stern“.
So wie durch Gehirnwäsche mithilfe der linken Medien der Ku Klux Klan seinen täglichen Einzug in bundesdeutsche Schlagzeilen schaffte, so haben selbstverständlich auch unsere Brüder und Schwestern in den USA jeden Tag damit zu kämpfen, den Verunglimpfungen Einhalt zu gebieten und die wahren Werte des Ku Klux Klan zu vertreten, zu proklamieren, …zu leben. In Zeiten, in denen es einem Präsidenten Obama möglich ist, die Freiheit der US-Amerikaner immer weiter einzudämmen und dem „land of the free“ all seiner christlichen Wurzeln berauben wollen zu können und zu dürfen, ist es für einen Klansman nicht einfach, Gott zu dienen, aber WICHTIGER UND NOTWENDIGER DENN JE!! Leider versuchen Menschen auf Gedeih und Verderb, den Namen „Ku Klux Klan“ in ein schlechtes Licht zu rücken. Diese Menschen kennen den Ku Klux Klan nicht und haben nicht einmal den blassesten Schimmer, was der Ku Klux Klan tatsächlich ist.
Auf der anderen Seite gibt es viele Menschen, die den Namen kennen und das gutheißen, was man fälschlicherweise(!) mit ihm in Verbindung bringt. Und manchmal sind diese Menschen der Ansicht, sie gründeten einen eigenen „Klan“ und führten ihn als jemand, der imstande sei, einer solchen Aufgabe gewachsen zu sein.Tatsächlich haben wir in Deutschland, wie auch in den USA einige solcher Gruppierungen, die ihre eigene Weltanschauung, ihre Wertevorstellung mit dem, was sie aus dem Fernsehen über den Klan kennen, vermischen, um letztlich etwas zu bekommen, das zwar mit „Klan“ beschriftet ist, in dem allerdings nicht annähernd Klan enthalten ist. Man weiß aber eben trotzdem nichts über Traditionen des altehrwürdigen Ku Klux Klan, noch weniger über seine Rituale und Zeremonien – nichts über wahre Klanishness!
Wir distanzieren uns von all diesen Gruppierungen – in Deutschland und in aller Herren Länder!
Die United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan sind eine weltumspannende Gemeinschaft, die traditionsbewusst denkt und handelt und deren Führung ausschließlich in den USA beheimatet ist und sein kann. Ein europäischer, ein deutscher Klan kann niemals autark sein. Er kann nur Teil eines großen Ganzen sein. Und wir – die Europäische Division der UNSK – sind sehr stolz und dankbar, DASS wir ein Teil eben dieser großen und traditionsbewussten Gemeinschaft sein dürfen.
Für Gott und Familie. Für Rasse und Nation.